Monday, March 22, 2010


Okay I have let myself go long enough!!! It is time for serious dieting!!
I have let myself go long enough. Back in 06 I joined we.ight Wat.chers LOVED IT!!!! I lost the weight so quick, when I actually followed it. And I can honestly tell you that it doesn't feel like a You can eat whatever you want, you can even DRINK your points if you so choose too.
The hardest part is the 1st week getting your body out of the routine of eating whatever and whenever you want. But after that it is EASY!!!!

I have also begun going to the gym every morning at 5am yes 5 AM. I have to be in work at 7:30 and usually do not get home until after 7 so their is no way I am going to want to go out to the gym once I get home from working 12 hours, plus going to the gym pumps your adrenaline up so it is hard to fall asleep. So now I drag my out of bed at 4:45 (okay sometimes I hit snooze but just once) then I am at the gym by 5:20 workout for a hour then run home to get read for work. I can honestly say the hardest part is actually getting out of bed, once I am out of bed it is easy. I feel so good the rest of the day, I have so much more energy!!!!

Last night I actually took a picture of myself in my FAVORITE pair of jeans size 8 they would button BUT were VERY TIGHT!!!! I am using that as a incentive to lose the weight, I actually want to get into a 6 we shall see!!!!

I will take a new picture every 2 weeks to show my progress getting into my size 8 jeans! I am going to wait to post them until I have my 2nd picture to show my progress so far!

Okay I have to get back to doing some work!!!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Baby James

Hello all,

I have a few minutes so I will update you on Cloie's brother.
Mom work up bleeding a lot, she said the tub was full of blood and clots ( sry TMI)
they rushed her to the hospital and tried to stop he from being born but they couldn't so
He was born on Tues Feb 23rd 15 weeks too early. He ( as well as mom) immediately had to receive blood transfusions. They told mom that they almost lost her.
He weighed in at 1lb 10 oz and was 13 inches long. He is hooked up to all kinds of machines.
He has a hole in a heart valve & a leak in his lung but they are healing with medicine. But he does have bleeding in his brain & they are very worried about it. :(
He also tested positive for Marijuana so now DHS is involved. I am hoping that they call me to take Cloie.
Mom was discharged on Friday, James will be there until prob May.
It is so sad because mom or dad do not drive so they will have to take the bus to the hospital to see him so I doubt they will go everyday. Unfortunately the NICU at the hospital he is in is level 3 ??? so nobody can see him except mom and dad we can't even look thru the glass to look at him. :(
Please continue to pray from baby James.