Friday, April 30, 2010

oh yea

The hell with the Diet this week, Give me a cheesesteak!!! :)


Thank God it is Friday!!! Work has be SUPER busy, I am lucky if I actually get to pee during the day. I have been eating lunch at my desk & working like crazy!!!
See I work for a school & from now until Sept is my busy time. In April we had our lottery to choose who gets in or who does not. So after the lottery I have parents calling me crying " my baby didn't get in I'm so upset" or people yelling at me because that already have children here and the youngest one did not. Or my favorite "What is a waiting list?" SERIOUSLY!!!!!!!!
We only really took Kindergarten children because the rest of the students will move up, so we may have only had 1-3 spots in the other grades.

Well in May we have all the new students coming for a screening to see where they are academically, so we know how to place them in September. I had to mail out postcards to tell the parents that their children were accepted. However if they do not come to the screening that will forfeit their spot. I'm taking bets how many parents will not show up and then call on Thursday , after she screening process and tell me that did not know about it. WELL TO BAD it was on the website, & it was mailed to you. So sorry but your spot has been filled!!!!

I just have to mentally prepare myself for the CRAZY people!
Well it is 6:30 and I have been here since 6:45 this morning & I have to come in tomorrow for a few hours to help with out 9th grade screenings. UGGG I love this time if the year!

Have a GREAT weekend!!